CTM Episode 12: “How to Develop Internal Integrity”
Isaiah and Anthony discuss what it means to live with internal integrity and its importance in your life.
Internal integrity is all about having integrity with yourself,
doing what you know is right, and keeping to your moral code. Before you can develop external integrity, integrity with other people, you must first develop a strong foundation of internal integrity. The way to develop internal integrity is is by being honest with yourself, doing what you say you are going to do, and holding yourself accountable when you don't. Developing a positive self image is also crucial to developing internal integrity because if you don't believe that you are a good person then you wont have the motivation to uphold high moral standards for yourself. Acting with internal integrity will require self control because there isn't anyone to hold us accountable or to give us praise. We are the only ones we are accountable for.
Your “code” is the foundation that your masculinity is built on. Stand by it, learn what God says about men, and sculpt your code with His word.
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