CTM Episode 18: “How To Conquer Your Shyness”
On today's episode of CTM Isaiah and Anthony discuss how you can conquer your shyness.
Being shy isn't necessarily bad, but there are attributes that come with being shy that result in missed opportunities, friends not made, a girl you can't ask out, and jobs you fear interviewing for.
Much of shyness comes from self sabotage, and this sabotage comes from an internal voice of weakness. The longer we wait, the longer we let this voice speak, and the louder it gets.
Many people confuse introversion and shyness.
Being an introvert simply means that a person prefers spending time alone, and that spending time in large groups take a lot of energy. An introvert can be outgoing and talkative, it will just require more effort than if he was extroverted.
Shyness is something we learn from factors such as schooling, parents, siblings, social interactions, etc.
How can we conquer shyness?
Often times it begins with self improvement. Master a skill, improve yourself in some way, this will give you confidence and help you to branch out.
Mentorship can also help you to grow your confidence
because you have someone that is investing in you, someone that is helping you to succeed and grow, which builds your confidence.
Remember that you can't please everyone, and you shouldn't try, and when it comes to awkward moments try to own it. The person that can own an awkward moment and laugh it off displays supreme self confidence that others will take note of.
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