CTM Episode 41: “Scripture Series James 1:19-20”
In today's CTM episode, Anthony and Isaiah discuss the scripture James 1:19-20 "So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God."
When we are slow to speak and swift to hear we are seeking to understand, we are seeking to learn, we are seeking to grow. If we are too fast to speak we may miss the point or turn a discussion into a heated argument that gets nowhere.
When we try to take wrath into our own hands we are taking it away from God.
How can we judge another for their sins when we are sinners ourselves? Leave judgement up to God and learn to control your angers and frustrations.
Thank you for listening, we really appreciate it, and we cant wait to see you on the next episode of CTM!