CTM Episode 45: “The Power of Positive Thinking”
In today's CTM episode Isaiah and Anthony discuss the power of positive thinking.
The power of positive thinking is an awesome book about how you can change your life by viewing the world through a more positive lens.
Many people when confronted with this idea of being positive all the time confuse it with blind optimism and say they would rather be realists, but being positive doesn't mean you have blind optimism. Plus, most people who say they are realists are hiding behind being pessimistic.
By being more positive it will significantly decrease the stress in our lives. It will help us to see the silver lining in our situations as opposed to focusing on whats going wrong.
Being positive will also help us to take action in our lives, which will allow us to live a much better life than if we were hampered by negative thoughts, unable to take action.
Thanks for listening, we really appreciate it, and we cant wait to see you on the next episode of CTM!