Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Our words can be the single most powerful tool we have has humans and they carry a far more powerful punch than we often realize. There’s only one problem with words, and it’s in the people that speak them. Too often people deceive with their words, they bend the truth, exaggerate others shortcomings or their own successes. People misuse their words, and because of it, society has learned that our actions must back up our words if our words are going to carry any weight.

Think about all of the people in your life that always talk a good game but never back it up. Or maybe the people that always break the rules, beg for forgiveness, and promise they will be better next time. Other people say their will pray for your when your sick, or that they would love to lend a hand to someone in need, but when it comes time for action, they are noticeably absent.

I have been around many people like this, and I myself have been an offender, everyone has. The only thing we can do is to try our best to ensure that our words are backed up by our actions.

Commitments and offering help should not be made lightly

There are many people who never say no when asked for help, and many people see this as a good virtue to have. The issue is that as soon as that help is called upon they begin to complain about it. I still remember a friend in college that told me in her family they always offered help even if it was an extreme inconvenience or something they genuinely didn’t want to do. Then whenever anyone ever collected on that help they would get upset.

These half-hearted offers aren’t good for anyone. They aren’t good for the person making them because eventually they will get taken advantage of, and they aren’t good for the people getting the offers because they either know that the person offering doesn’t mean it, and that you can never know when they are truly willing to help you, or you don’t know it and you unknowingly strain the relationship.

My family had always had the opposite approach, we didn’t extend the helping hand as much as her family did, but when we did extend it, we meant it and we were truly were happy to help (at least most of the time). I believe this helped us to create strong bonds with people, and it was healthier for us because we were happy to help, not dreading it if we were called upon.

Now I also want to say that often times helping others will require a sacrifice on your part, and sacrifices are never fun, but just because it isn’t fun doesn’t mean you can’t have a positive mindset and benefit from the experience. Focus on the fact that you either know you are making someone’s life better, or you’re building a relationship, or maybe your developing a life skill. The main point is, don’t offer help and then complain about it.

It’s also important to remember that if you do offer help or make a commitment, you need to do everything in your power to uphold it. Sometimes freak accidents will occur and you truly won’t be able to fulfill the commitment. If that’s the case then you need to do something else above and beyond the initial commitment in order to make up for breaking it.

Ensure your actions align with your goals

Too often people act in ways that aren’t in alignment with what they want out of life. You’ll see people that say they want to find the one, but they still go out partying all the time and don’t have a decent job (or career path if they are still in school).

Often times people will knowingly sabotage themselves because they feel they don’t deserve something. If you believe in your subconscious that you don’t deserve to be loved, then even if you meet the right girl you’ll find a way to ruin the relationship.

Be conscious of your actions, work on becoming more self-aware of what you’re doing. Figure out what you want out of life, and ensure that what you’re doing each day is moving your closer towards your goals, and not farther away.

Remember that people are watching you

If what I’ve talked about hasn’t been motivating enough for you to take action then consider this, you are always being watched…. Just kidding, but only kind of. Whenever you are around people you are being watched, not just by people that could make your life worse if you get out of line, but more importantly by people that look up to you and admire you.

You will always have people in life that use you as an example, its your duty to ensure that the example you set is a good one. Even if you’re young and in high school people watch your actions, if you’re a senior then the freshman look up to you, if you’re a freshman then middle schoolers look up to you, if you have a younger sibling or cousin they will look up to you.

We all have influence in the world and we should be using our influence for good. The most effective way to influence people, is thorough our actions.

So, make sure you always do what you say you will, if you offer help then make sure it’s something you are actually willing to do, make sure your actions aligns with your goals, and remember that people are always watching. Good luck.




Find the Largest Load You Can Bear, and Bear it.