The #1 way to Take Control of Your Future
Today I want to share one secret tool you can use to take control of your future, that you can start using today. Do you want to know how you can improve your mindset, become happier, form stronger relationships, and begin working towards being the man God wants you to be, all with one simple change? Good. It’s the words that you speak. The things that you say, the words that you utter, control your future more than you know.
Hung by the Tongue by Francis P. Martin is a fantastic, biblically based book devoted to how powerful the words you speak are, how you can use your words to shape your future, and how you can take control of your words so you don’t become a slave to them.
What you say begins with what you think.
Your mind controls your mouth, your mouth controls your relationships, and your relationships control your future. Proverbs 23:7 states “As (a man) thinketh in his heart, so he is.” A man’s thoughts will dictate who his is, by directing his day to day actions.
So how can we control our thoughts? Well, your thoughts will be dictated based on what you are taking in. If you take in a lot of negativity, then that’s how you’ll think, if you take in a lot of optimism then you’ll be more optimistic. Fill yourself with positive, educational, uplifting, and biblical thoughts. When you feed you mind good stuff, you will be able to sow good thoughts and words into your life and you will reap the results.
However, no matter how much good you take in, we are all flawed as humans and we will still have thoughts that will hurt us. We must be careful to censor our thoughts, pass them through the lens of scripture and see if they align. If they don’t, cast them out of your mind and don’t allow yourself to entertain them.
Unfortunately, as humans we will all fail at censoring our thoughts. We will give into negativity when we are weak and beaten down, but that doesn’t mean we can’t strive for perfection, and in doing so improve our life to the maximum extent possible.
Our heart colors our thoughts.
Matthew 12:34 states “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” We can fake who we are for a time, we can speak positively and uplift people, but if deep down you don’t mean it, eventually it will come to the surface. Be very careful of the words you speak because they will be used against you in some form or fashion if the words are not true to who you are.
The best way to begin changing your heart is to begin incorporating scripture into your life, not just by reading it but by living it. The more you do this the more your heart will change so that you don’t have to pretend to uplift people, it will be who you are to the core.
Do not allow yourself to speak evil about anything.
James 3:11 states “Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water?” If you still allow some hate, some negative thoughts, some evil inside of yourself to be spoken into the world then it will be impossible for you to fully align yourself. You must not give into the temptation to speak ill of people. Don’t even allow yourself to say things like “I’m tired” or “I don’t feel good” because by speaking them your mind will increase them and make them worse. As soon as you speak something you allow it to begin becoming a part of you. The more you speak it the more it becomes a part of your identity and the harder it will be to change.
Speak fewer words
Try to speak fewer words. Words will often get us into trouble, and on top of that when we are speaking, we aren’t learning. Try listening more than you speak, open yourself up to learning. When you do talk, practice talking clearly and concisely. People admire someone who can articulate their point quickly and without droning on.
What you speak becomes reality
Job 22:28 says “Thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee”. Whatever you speak will come to fruition in your life. If you talk down to yourself and tell yourself you can’t do something, or say you will never be great, then you are guaranteeing that you won’t be. Don limit yourself with your words.
So, begin aligning yourself and your thoughts with scripture. Make sure you feed your mind and your heart with good things, things that will grow you and make you into a better man. Don’t allow yourself to be tempted into tearing down others or yourself, and speak clearly and concisely. Good luck.