“Rite of Passage” Phase 1: Separation
How have boys been becoming men for centuries as time and culture changes?
How Do We Become the Heroes We Want to Be?
No one has a patent on good habits, you can steal them. Identify your heroes and emulate the character traits that make that person more successful than you currently are.
Why I Take a Cold Shower in The Morning and Why You Should Too
If you can develop a strong enough mind to take a cold shower every morning then you will have a strong enough mind to get your work done, make the hard decision, delay gratification.
How to Learn Effectively and Efficiently
The key to decreasing your time working and increasing the quality.
How to Take Control of Your Life
General Dwight D. Eisenhower once stated “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.”
How to Conquer the Labels from Others
As men our highest need is to feel respect, but we often wrongly confuse respect with status because of the false importance shown by society on how much we make, what we wear, what we look like, and what we have.
The Secret To Building Lasting Relationships
The sure-fire way to grow your influence with people by displaying that you truly love them and care for them? Shut up and listen to them.
Improve Your Relationship with Your Parents
Too often we cannot see the situation from the other persons point of view, and if we could, we would see their view as completely rational.