CTM Episode 15: “Creating a Foundation of Healthy Sexuality”
Today society has basically given the free pass to sleep around with whoever you want and do whatever feels good. We all know the standard downsides that come with sleeping around such as getting an STD, pregnancy, or potentially getting charged with rape. But that's just the physical domain, there is a deeper and more significant level...
Sex hits on an emotional and mental level.
When you sleep around with people, sex begins to loose its meaning, it becomes less special, it becomes nothing more than a cheep thrill that can create babies. It also begins to tear away at the sacred understanding of sex, especially in women. So know that if you make that decision to be promiscuous, you are harming not just yourself.
When you give into your flesh it makes you weak,
and you feel that weakness on an emotional level, but you don't know what the cause is. You begin to be confused about what you want in relationships, what relationships are supposed to be like, and as a result your love life in the future will suffer.
Sex also deeply affects women. When you sleep with a girl and then break up with her, or have a one night stand with her, she will ultimately feel unloved and like she is undeserving of love. This can lead to a downward spiral where she continues to participate in harmful practices.
God created sex and he intended it to be beautiful,
but he gave us boundaries to operate within for our own good. Just like a child may not understand their parents rules doesn't mean that they get to go around breaking them, the rules were put there for a reason.
Is your view of sexuality based on God's view, or the worlds view?
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