CTM Episode 20: “How to Increase Your Self-Control”
In todays episode Anthony and Isaiah discuss how you can increase your self control, and what things are holding most people back from developing their self control.
Self control is difficult, everyone struggles with it from time to time,
but increasing your self control is vitally important to being successful as a man and in life.
Self control is like a muscle, we have to exercise it if we want it to be stronger, but at the same time we need to rest it by eliminating some of the scenarios from our life where self control may be necessary.
You can practice self control by choosing just one thing in your life that you know you shouldn't be doing it, and begin to phase it out. It is important however that by eliminating that thing you will see some reward, otherwise you wont have the motivation to continue on in the long run.
Emotional self control is also vitally important.
Take stalk of whenever you have a strong emotional reaction to something, it is your subconscious mind trying to tell you something important, just ensure that you don't let that emotion take over and cause you to do something you regret.
To help you not get emotional during conversations or arguments you have to detach from the situation
and try to observe it as objectively as possible. Try to understand the other persons position. Its easy to get frustrated or emotional if you have no idea how another human could think something, but as soon as you can rationalize how another human might think that it will be significantly easier to maintain your composure and have a civilized conversation.
Finally, in the areas of your life where it is possible,
eliminate the need for self control.
Trying to maintain self control in hostile environments all day is near impossible, so eliminate temptations to loose self control. If you have a problem with sweets don’t keep them in the house.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, we really appreciate it, and we cant wait to see you on the next episode of CTM!