CTM Episode 21: “How Mentors Take You to the Next Level”
In today's episode Isaiah and Anthony discuss how mentors can take you to the next level in whatever you may be pursing in your life.
Mentors can help you learn and grow significant faster than you would on your own. They will share their life experiences, knowledge, and past mistakes so that you can take what they know, apply it to your life, and achieve success much faster than if you had to acquire all of that knowledge on your own.
Anyone can be your mentor as long as they are more experience or knowledgeable than you in a specific subject, but it is crucial that you look up to, and respect, you mentor. Without respect you won't learn as much from them, or take them as seriously.
Mentors can be paid or free. Paid mentors can be great because the more you pay, the more you pay attention. Meaning, when you are financially invested in a mentor you will take everything they say and apply it to your life, you will want to ensure you get your moneys worth so you will take it more seriously. Free mentor ship can also be great because often times that come from someone that you have a deep bond and strong relationship with, potentially making their advice more impactful to your life.
Whenever approaching a potential mentor, make sure you lead with value. Try to provide value by taking them to lunch, offering to work for them for free, or helping them with some special skill you have.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, we really appreciate it, and we cant wait to see you on the next episode of CTM!