CTM Episode 22: “How Sports Can Change Your Life”
In today's episode Isaiah and Anthony discuss many of the different positive impacts that playing sports can have on your life.
They discuss their backgrounds in sports, how they got into playing sport, what sports were their favorite, and what lessons they learned.
Sports will allow you to form some of the strongest bonds in your life.
You will have to battle through adversity in sports, and the people on your team that you battle with will become some of your best friends.
Obviously sports keep you healthy, and teach you how to be healthy, which allows you to pursue things in life that people who are out of shape cannot.
Playing sports will build your mental toughness through lifting, conditioning, long hot days in practice, or having to push through soreness.
This mental toughness will serve you well in life when you have to do something you don't want to do.
Sports will also build your character. You will learn what its like to win and loose. You'll likely learn what its like to suck at something, as well as what its like to be really good. Having that experience on both sides will give you a broader perspective and allow you to be a better leader and person in general.
Finally, sports also give you practice operating as a part of a team.
Teamwork is a skill that you will be forced to learn if you play sports for an extended period of time and have any hope of succeeding. This is one of the most important skills to develop in life.
Thank you for listening to the podcast, we really appreciate it, and we cant wait to see you on the next episode of CTM!