Surround Yourself with Growth Minded People

All throughout our lives we’re going to face struggles and difficulties. These struggles will either force us to grow, so we can overcome them, or we will shrink back and succumb to fear. No matter how much we grow, and how good we are, there will always be some new struggle waiting for us on the other side of the one we’re currently facing.

As we go through life working to be the best we can be, there will be times of extreme difficulty. We will be put through trials that feel impossible to overcome. It’s in these times where the people you surround yourself with will make all the difference in whether you will succeed or not.

Unfortunately, not everyone on earth is seeking to grow and become the best version of themselves, the version of themselves that God intended for them to be. Luckily we are, but because of this you will have to find people who are actively seeking to grow and move forward in life as well.

Though it is important to note that this growth isn’t growth of material possessions and things. It is a personal, spiritual, and mental growth. Now, often times if you’re seeking to grow in those areas then you will be more likely to succeed in the material world, but seeking material success for its own sake is a loosing proposition.

It’s a loosing proposition because when you focus on material success, you are focusing on yourself and your own desires which will inevitably lead to a fall when others discover that all you care about is yourself.

Personal, spiritual, and mental growth will require doing many things that involve putting others ahead of ourselves and serving them. In doing this we will grow, and we’ll be bettering someone else’s life. As a result other people seeking to do the same things will flock to us and support us on our journeys.

So, in your search for growth minded people that you want to surround yourself with, and keep an eye out for, people that look to serve first and people that derive enjoyment from improving others lives.  

Some people will try to hold you back.

The issue with people that don’t have a growth mindset is that when they see you working to better yourself it casts a negative light on themselves and what they are doing. As a response to this the majority of the time they will attempt to hold your back or tear you down so that they don’t look worse.

There are some scenarios however, where people will see their friends working to be better and they will take it as a wake up call that they should be doing the same thing, or maybe motivation for them to begin their journey. Obviously, you should keep these people in your circle.

When you have surrounded yourself with other growth minded people you will find that each of you is pushing the others to continue to grow, and to grow faster than if you were alone. Many times, you will be able to learn from others in your group based on their knowledge and experiences. This information can be invaluable in helping you navigate some of the toughest periods of your life because you see that they have gotten through it, therefore, so can you.

At a minimum, growth minded people will look to uplift you and speak life into you when you are going through difficult times.

So, go out and assess the people you are spending time with. Are they pushing you to be better? Or holding you back? Surround yourself with people who want the best for you, and begin changing your life one battle at a time. Good luck.


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